Categories Digital Transformation
Change management is a critical aspect of implementing any new technology or process within an organization, including IT initiatives. However, IT departments often encounter specific challenges when it comes to change management. Change management is a key enabler for successful digital transformation. The way leaders are meeting the challenges of change management can make or break your business. Here are some common issues faced by IT in change management: 1. Resistance to Change: Change...
Categories Digital Transformation
Application modernization refers to the process of updating or transforming existing legacy applications to leverage modern technologies, architectures, and methodologies.  As technology ages, its characteristics and capabilities begin to diminish, which can have a negative impact on a company's ability to operate continuously. Modernization of legacy systems can result in multiple benefits, such as savings in time, cost and inconvenience. Here are some primary advantages of application mode...
Cloud-Based Backup Vs Physical On-Site Backup | Velcode Solutions
Categories Disaster & Backup
Cloud-based backup and physical on-site backup are two distinct approaches to data backup, each with its own advantages and considerations. Let's compare the two:   Cloud-Based Backup: 1. Accessibility and Scalability: Cloud-based backup offers the advantage of accessibility from anywhere with an internet connection. Data is stored off-site in remote servers, providing flexibility and scalability as storage capacity can be easily expanded as needed. 2. Off-Site Data Protection: Stor...
Categories Cloud Computing
Cloud transformation refers to the process of migrating an organization's IT infrastructure, applications, and data from on-premises environments to cloud-based services. It involves leveraging cloud computing technologies, such as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS), to achieve various benefits including increased agility, scalability, cost efficiency, and innovation. Developing a successful cloud transformation strategy requires...
Categories Cybersecurity
Cyber security can be complex and, with evolving threats, it can be difficult to determine how to reduce the risk of cyberattacks. Practicing good cyber hygiene is crucial for individuals and organizations to protect themselves against cyber threats. The following are twelve cyber hygiene best practices that you should ensure your organization applies to ensure the safe handling of your critical data and the security of your network. 1. Risk Assessment: Identifying and assessing potential risk...
Categories Cybersecurity
The growing interconnectedness of the global economy and the increasing number of cyber threats make it essential for organizations to assess and manage the risks posed by their supply chain partners. As organizations increasingly rely on interconnected systems and third-party vendors, it becomes essential to address the security risks associated with the digital supply chain. Third-party cyber attacks within the digital supply chain continue to be a primary pathway for cybercriminals to access...