The State Government, Local Government, and educational institutions are facing many different IT challenges. They have to deal with varied geographic locations, an increased demand for collaborations, various needs and skill sets of end users, as well as, the ability to handle sensitive data in the correct way. Not only do they have to consider all of this, but they also have to consider their responsibilities and continue to be the face of public funds.
Velcode Solutions provides leading IT services for more than 50 government agencies. With decades of experience, we have the resources and expertise to help modernize IT, maximize efficiencies, increase productivity, improve cybersecurity posture and reduce costs. Let our experts help with your unique IT needs.
The fast transition to remote work, rapid digitalization and a growing number of cyber threats have kept government IT professionals on their toes. With managed IT solutions, governments can have peace of mind knowing their IT needs are being taken care of effectively and efficiently.
Constituents and staff alike not only want but expect governments to provide digital ways to get things done — without having to show up in person. It’s critical that government organizations address the needs and expectations in today’s landscape. Our certified experts can help modernize your government IT and communications infrastructure while also minimizing risk and impact of cyber threats.

Velcode Solutions helps governments address their biggest IT challenges with a full suite of managed government IT services including cybersecurity, connectivity, secure networks, cloud communications and collaboration. We provide fully managed IT services for government organizations that help improve operations, communications and security but that won’t break the bank.