Millions of companies have come face-to-face with the need for digital transformation and always-on communication. Chatbot automation is part of the answer to that need. Chatbots have come a long way from the yes/no decision trees that often yielded frustrating and amusing results. Instead, robotic process automation (RPA) with artificial intelligence, natural language processing (NLP), and machine learning (ML) has changed the game because it looks at not only the question but the customer’s intent to deliver more robust answers to routine inquiries.
Intelligent bots can streamline routine workflow, provide positive customer engagement and handle repetitive tasks in real-time for multiple customers simultaneously. Velcode Solutions has been helping enterprises unlock the true potential of intelligent and automated conversationalists at scale, for a wide range of use cases and bridge the gap between organizations and their consumers and internal resources in unique and innovative ways making bots a powerful tool for sales and marketing.